5 Success and life lessons I've learnt over the years ..............

1. Very few people actually love you, and you can count them on your fingers. Hold on to them.

2. Many people will love you if you are successful. They will stop when you are not. They love success, not you. Don't take them seriously.

Chetan Bhatgat

3. When you are not successful, few will believe your dreams. You are one of them who do. Sometimes, you will be the only one.

4. Despite having dreams, will and focus, sometimes your motivation will drop. Lift yourself back up fight again. It isn't easy. That is why so few make it.

5. People who come first in class don't do the best in life. People who understand people, their field and themselves do.

------------ Chetan Bhagat.

Follow Your Dream Everything Will Follow You!!!

I see guys spending weeks, months trying to make a girl happy.

I see girls waiting endlessly for their guys to call.

Is that all your life is about? For your lover to validate you? Or to make a relationship work?

Instead, why not focus on yourself- working on your goals, learning something, being a more positive person and helping others.

That will boost your self-esteem far more than any lover
ever could.

Next time that guy or girl treats you badly, say thank you. Say thank you for reminding me that I need to make myself the focus of my life, not you.

-----------Chetan Bhagat